
Contribute now to the Woodstock Democratic Town Committee.

Won’t you please support our efforts to make sure all Democratic candidates are successful this year and help us update policies that will move Woodstock resolutely into the future? Together we can create the positive momentum our nation, state and town need.

  • Or, mail a check with the form below.

In accordance with State of Connecticut Election laws, the pdf form below should be used by all candidates, their friends, relatives, and anyone else who makes a contribution to the Woodstock Democratic Town Committee.

The form must be filled out and submitted with the check.

Print the form, fill it our, and submit it with your check.

Make checks payable to “Woodstock Democratic Town Committee” and mail them to.

Kathleen Barach,
Treasurer, WDTC
P. O. Box 813
, CT 06281

Contributor CertificationForm 08032022.pdf